Many companies promise you the world and use technical jargon that can be difficult to understand. They are big in size and often flaunt that to provide a false sense of security with respect to your needs, wants, and desired outcome. I prefer action over talk and simplicity. Below, you will see what paid professionals (starting salaries of six figures) average vs. my own. I publicly display my results for a reason, as they do exceed the average professional by a substantial margin. Most companies will not publicly display theirs because their results are usually far from what they promise.
Industry Metrics Vs. Mine
Cost Per Click (You want this number to be low)
Conversion Rates
Below, you can see two campaigns for the book sales of Raj Rajaratnam’s book Uneven Justice. In less than two months, his book Uneven Justice went from #684 in Criminal Justice, to a #1 Best selling book on Amazon at an average cost per click of $0.10.
What does type of advertising look like?
Below, you will see how I structured Google Ads whenever someone searched anything related to Raj or his book. I created sitelinks for people to buy through retailers such as Amazon, Google Books, Audible, in addition to boosting all media coverage.
Below are previews of ads on both mobile and desktop. Then you see them put into play. I then create corresponding websites and landing pages that match what people search.
Desktop Ads
Mobile Ads
Real Estate
Below are previews of ads on both mobile and desktop.
Then you see them put into play. I then create corresponding websites and landing pages that match what people search.
Desktop Search
Desktop Search
Landing Page