Before you can be with others, first learn to be alone.
It was ‘such a great misfortune’, he thought, to lose the capacity to be alone with oneself, to get caught up in the crowd, to surrender one’s singularity to mind-numbing conformity.
To suffer binds you to something higher than yourself, higher than your own will. Takes you from the world to find what lies beyond it.
He shows His love not by helping avoid suffering, but by sending you suffering, by keeping you there.
The Diner
Edward Hopper: Nighthawks (1942)
The diner was a place of refuge, absolutely, but there was no visible entrance, no way to get in or out. There was a cartoonish, ochre-coloured door at the back of the painting, leading perhaps into a grimy kitchen. But from the street, the room was sealed: an urban aquarium, a glass cell.